Diner Takeover!

We open up our kitchen for one night of the month to let our city’s chefs put their spin on traditional diner fare! Come on out and kick it ol’ school with us while our guest chefs cook up some diner classics in support of a local community charity! Tickets are $30 and can be purchased at the King Eddy, 45 Clarence Street in the Byward Market, Ottawa ON. For more information & ticket reservations, please contact info@kegroup.ca 

2016-17 DATES & GUESTS:
October 23rd 2016 - Steve Mitton, Murray Street (Ottawa, ON)
November 20th 2016 - TBA
January 29th 2017 - TBA
February 26th 2017 - TBA
March 26th 2017 - TBA
April 23rd 2017 - TBA
6pm – Cocktail Hour.
7-9pm – Dinner Service.